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在 2025 年 1 月號的 Harper's Magazine 中,Liz Pelly 發表了一篇深度報導,標題為《The Ghosts in the Machine: Spotify's Plot Against Musicians》(機器裡的幽靈:Spotify 對音樂家的陰謀)。

Spotify 的省錢大計畫

報導揭露了 Spotify 正在執行一個叫做「完美搭配內容」(Perfect Fit Content, PFC)的祕密計畫。

簡單地說,這個計畫就是 Spotify 跟一些音樂製作公司合作,低價僱用音樂家以虛構的藝人名字製作低成本的「幽靈音樂」;由 Spotify 買斷版權後,把這些音樂大量填充在各種熱門播放清單中,目的是降低付給真實音樂家的版稅成本。

"Spotify's own internal research showed that many users were not coming to the platform to listen to specific artists or albums; they just needed something to serve as a soundtrack for their days, like a study playlist or maybe a dinner soundtrack. In the lean-back listening environment that streaming had helped champion, listeners often weren't even aware of what song or artist they were hearing. As a result, the thinking seemed to be: Why pay full-price royalties if users were only half listening?"

「Spotify 的內部研究發現,很多用戶根本不是來聽特定歌手或專輯的,他們就只是需要一些背景音樂而已,比如讀書或吃飯配個音樂。在串流平台主導的『隨便放著聽』環境下,聽眾常常根本不在意現在正在播什麼歌、是誰演奏的。所以 Spotify 就想:既然用戶都沒在認真聽,幹嘛付音樂家這麼多版稅?


根據報導,到了 2023 年,已經有「好幾百個」播放清單納入了這個計畫。其中有超過 150 個播放清單,像是「環境音樂放鬆」(Ambient Relaxation)、「雞尾酒爵士」(Cocktail Jazz)、「深層睡眠」(Deep Sleep)和「早晨伸展」(Morning Stretch)等等,「幾乎全部」由這些低價的幽靈音樂組成。


"Honestly, for most of this stuff, I just write out charts while lying on my back on the couch," he explained. "And then once we have a critical mass, they organize a session and we play them. And it's usually just like, one take, one take, one take, one take. You knock out like fifteen in an hour or two."

The most common feedback: play simpler. "That's definitely the thing: nothing that could be even remotely challenging or offensive, really," the musician told me. "The goal, for sure, is to be as milquetoast as possible."

「說真的,大部分這種音樂我都是躺在沙發上隨便寫寫,」他說。「等累積得差不多了,就找個時間錄音,就是一直錄一直錄,每一首 one take 就解決。一兩個小時就可以錄完十五首。」



He called it his "Spotify playlist gig," a commitment he also called "brain-numbing" and "pretty much completely joyless."

"I just record stuff and submit it, and I'm not really sure what happens from there," he told me.

他把這個工作叫做「Spotify 播放清單案子」,還說這工作「讓人腦死」而且「完全沒有任何樂趣」。




你可能已經猜到我接下來要說什麼了;那就是這個現象並不只是發生在 Spotify 而已。其他的內容平台,不論是 YouTube、TikTok、Instagram 等等,也都在設計類似的陷阱:

  • 藉由以「推薦算法」為主的瀏覽方式,盡可能減低「訂閱和追蹤」的重要性。
  • 使用無止境的短片,讓使用者「不記得創作者是誰」。
  • 表面上的高觀看數字(天知道是怎麼計算的),引誘創作者持續產出符合平台利益的內容。


我可以預見非常合理的下一步就是,當 AI 產生的內容品質達到一個標準時(差不多就是 2025 年了),平台會加速地淘汰人類創作者;讓推薦算法更偏向平台自製的低成本 AI 內容,來減少分給創作者的廣告收益。



盡快建立「自己真正掌控的網路據點」,也就是自有網站╱部落格、Podcast 和 E-mail 清單。


我最近在看 Seth Godin 的《This Is Strategy》,他寫:

"A friend asked about his niece's career path. She's spending hours every day on TikTok, developing videos and hoping to build a following. She might not realize it, but she is working for TikTok without getting hired or paid to do so.

She guesses at what the system wants and strives to deliver it.

Someone is going to win the lottery, but it's probably not going to be her.

Feeding the system can be fun and it feels safe, which is why so many people do it... Sometimes, though, the system will sell us a dream it can't deliver, and these are the games we should avoid."

「一位朋友問起他姪女的職涯規劃。她每天花好幾個小時在 TikTok 上製作影片,希望能建立粉絲群。她可能沒意識到她其實正在幫 TikTok 做白工,但卻沒有被僱用,也沒有得到相應的報酬。


總會有人中樂透(註:指真的透過 TikTok 爆紅),但大概不會是她。


寫到這裡讓我想到,前幾天跟朋友去餐廳吃飯時,背景就播放著演奏得非常簡單、輕柔、超級沒個性但不難聽的 Bossa Nova 音樂,該不會就是那位爵士音樂家躺在沙發上隨便寫的吧?不過 Spotify 說得沒錯,反正我真的沒在認真聽。🤣