前陣子接到一封信,對方聲稱是中國的網域註冊組織,跟我說有某個公司嘗試在中國註冊 NiceChord 的網域名稱。
有人要搶 NiceChord 的「關鍵字」?
(E-mail 原文是英文,中文部份是我的翻譯)
從:Simon Liu (simon ⓐ netdomains.net.cn)
到:wiwi.blog (wiwi.blog ⓐ fastmail.com) (居然寫到我的 blog 信箱!莫非是忠實讀者?)
This email is from China domain name registration center, which mainly deal with the domain name registration in Shanghai, China. We received an application from Hongfei Ltd on January 4, 2025. They want to apply for "nicechord" as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names (nicechord.cn, nicechord.com.cn, nicechord.net.cn, nicechord.org.cn). But after checking it, we find this name conflict with your company name or trademark. In order to deal with this matter better, it's necessary to send email to you and confirm whether this company is your business partner in China?
這封電子郵件來自中國網域名稱註冊中心,主要處理上海的網域名稱註冊業務。我們在 2025 年 1 月 4 日收到鴻飛公司(Hongfei Ltd)的一份申請,他們想將「nicechord」作為網路關鍵字和中國(CN)網域名稱(nicechord.cn、nicechord.com.cn、nicechord.net.cn 和 nicechord.org.cn)進行註冊。但在審核後,我們發現此名稱與您的公司名稱或商標存在衝突。為了更好地處理此事項,我們需要透過電子郵件與您確認該公司是否為您在中國的商業夥伴?
- 首先,中國的網域名稱註冊是由 CNNIC(中国互联网络信息中心)負責管理的,不會用「China domain name registration center」這種模糊的名稱。(而且組織名稱還不用大寫字母?)
- netdomains.net.cn 這個網域名稱就不對勁啊,CNNIC 應該是 cnnic.com.cn 才對。
- 「which mainly deal with the domain name registration in Shanghai, China」 → 網域名稱哪有在分上海不上海的啊?難道上海有 .sh、北京也有 .bj 嗎?
- 「They want to apply for "nicechord" as their internet keyword」 → 哪有人在申請「internet keyword(網路關鍵字)」的,你在說什麼?
- 哪有人會一次申請 .cn、.com.cn、.net.cn 和 .org.cn?
- 網域名稱註冊是先搶先贏的,不會特別去通知可能的商標持有人。不然難道我要註冊這個 wiwi.blog 的時候,網域註冊組織還要先發信給「Wiwi 發熱衣」,徵求他們的同意?
然後,既然都被提醒了 NiceChord.com.cn 的事情了,我就順便到了我慣用的另外一個網域註冊商,查了一下 nicechord.cn 和 nicechord.com.cn 到底有沒有被註冊。結果沒有耶!馬上註冊起來!
雖然我也不知道我要 NiceChord.com.cn 做什麼,其實我也不 care 它被註冊掉,但誰叫你要提醒我?讓我來佔著茅坑不拉💩。
隔天,我接到來自另外一個 E-mail 位址的信件,告訴我他們「堅持」要申請 nicechord.com.cn 及其他網址:
(E-mail 原文是英文,中文部份是我的翻譯)
從:Zhihai Ning (zhihaining ⓐ vip.sina.com)
到:wiwikuan (wiwikuan ⓐ fastmail.com) (這次是寄到另一個信箱?)
To whom it concerns,
We will register the Chinese domain names "nicechord.cn" "nicechord.com.cn" "nicechord.net.cn" "nicechord.org.cn" and internet keyword "nicechord" and have submitted our application. We are waiting for Mr. Simon Liu's approval. These CN domains and internet keyword are very important for us to promote our business in China. Although Mr. Simon Liu advised us to change another name, we will persist with this name.
我們將註冊中國網域名稱「nicechord.cn」、「nicechord.com.cn」、「nicechord.net.cn」和「nicechord.org.cn」,以及網路關鍵字「nicechord」,並已提交申請。目前正等待劉先生(Simon Liu)的審核通過。這些中國網域名稱和網路關鍵字對我們在中國推廣業務至關重要。儘管劉先生建議我們更改其他名稱,但我們仍將堅持使用此名稱。
- 為什麼註冊網域名稱需要劉先生同意?
- 根本就沒有申請「網路關鍵字」這件事好不好?
- 「...and have submitted our application.」 → 不,你沒有。已經註冊的是我。
- 我從來就沒有被網域註冊組織「建議更改名稱」過。
- 「we will persist with this name.」 → 你要堅持就堅持,幹嘛跟我講?
然後就在這封信之後,Simon Liu 劉先生又回來了,這次他想要跟我報價了:
(E-mail 原文是英文,中文部份是我的翻譯)
從:Simon Liu (simon ⓐ netdomains.net.cn)
到:wiwikuan (wiwikuan ⓐ fastmail.com) (這次也跟著寫到這個信箱?)
Dear Wiwi Kuan,
Based on your company that have no relationship with them, we have already suggested that they should choose another name to avoid this conflict, but they insist on using this name as Chinese domain names (nicechord.cn, nicechord.com.cn, nicechord.net.cn, nicechord.org.cn) and internet keyword. In our opinion, maybe they do similar business as your company then register them to promote their company.
As is known to all, domain name registration based on international principles is open to company and individual. Any company or individual has the right to register any domain name and internet keyword that have not yet been registered. Your company have not registered this name as Chinese domain name and internet keyword, so any company can obtain them through registration. But in order to avoid this conflict, the trademark or original name owner has the priority right to register Chinese domain names and internet keyword during our dispute period. If your company is the original owner of this name and want to register these Chinese domain names (nicechord.cn, nicechord.com.cn, nicechord.net.cn, nicechord.org.cn) and internet keyword to prevent others from using them, please let us know. We can send you an application form with price list to help your company register these Chinese domain names and internet keyword during our dispute period if you want to register them.
I look forward to reading you soon.
Simon 啊,可不可以專業一點:
- 網域名稱並沒有「爭議期間」這種東西。
- 他一直強調「網路關鍵字」需要註冊,讓我覺得很好笑;好像是在怕有些長輩不懂「網域名稱」是什麼的感覺。
- 網域名稱並沒有「申請表和價格表」,通常價格都是公開透明的。
- 「I look forward to reading you soon」是什麼文法啦1?是等不及要讀我的下一篇 blog 嗎?
但我還是回信跟分飾兩角的 Simon Liu 劉先生索取了申請表和價格表,目前他還沒回我;有進一步故事的話我再來 update。
(希望劉先生不會因為我寫這篇而生氣,畢竟他說過「I look forward to reading you soon」,我這不就寫了嗎?感謝你給我一個寫作題材,還提醒我可以註冊一下 .cn 的網域。)
應該要寫「I look forward to hearing from you soon」或「I look forward to your reply」之類的才對。說「read you」有點像是期待下次見到對方,可以「解讀對方」(例如玩撲克牌時)的意思。 ↩